Rg | Teamname | Stnr | Start | 114 | 145 | Finish | + |
1 | ANCO VintageHamel David, Jaquet Aurélie | 3105 | 10:48:07 | 12:36:42 | 13:21:56 | 2:20:15 | +0:00 |
2 | Sister N Brother PowerLaurent Alexandra, Laurent Corentin | 3093 | 10:49:57 | 12:53:36 | 13:40:48 | 2:33:06 | +15:04 |
3 | Balise 25Pourre Alain, Kivimäki Anna | 3114 | 10:52:33 | 12:57:01 | 13:41:17 | 2:35:25 | +15:53 |
4 | Up DownLagger Antoine, Pellaton Coraline | 3115 | 10:50:56 | 12:55:51 | 13:41:12 | 2:35:19 | +16:20 |
5 | JuHuJurt Ganesha, Jurt Alice | 3091 | 10:51:26 | 13:01:26 | 13:51:32 | 2:54:18 | +21:25 |
6 | AP TEAMPécaut Arnaud, Pochon Anna | 3117 | 10:49:23 | 13:06:48 | 14:04:11 | mp | +28:50 |
7 | Les DiablotinesGerber Béatrice, Meylan Karine | 3065 | 10:51:16 | 13:08:48 | 14:16:06 | 3:32:58 | +28:57 |
8 | Les SacapucesPochon Philippe, Pochon Marissa | 3110 | 10:50:52 | 13:09:11 | 14:04:20 | mp | +29:44 |
9 | The Dreaming TeamJobin Nicolas, Jobin Lilou | 3108 | 10:49:47 | 13:08:16 | 14:17:35 | mp | +29:54 |
10 | Guerry erGuerry Karen, Guerry Ludovic | 3086 | 10:51:49 | 13:12:31 | 14:06:02 | 3:31:17 | +32:07 |
11 | Les TimJulieSilagy Julie, Hunkeler Timothée | 3102 | 10:49:59 | 13:12:02 | 13:59:19 | 3:00:41 | +33:28 |
12 | IncrüsciàssRossi Isabelle, Rilliot Joël | 3100 | 10:52:14 | 13:14:25 | 14:11:56 | 3:15:38 | +33:36 |
13 | Les SchmitzésDubail Jacky, Dubail Emilie | 3113 | 10:49:54 | 13:12:06 | 14:17:11 | 3:28:33 | +33:37 |
14 | Les M M sBiosset Marion, Biosset Martin | 3088 | 10:51:11 | 13:14:02 | 14:16:27 | 3:40:16 | +34:16 |
15 | Tout doucementTosetti Joëlle, Chevallier Mazal | 3095 | 10:54:58 | 13:21:28 | 14:33:29 | 3:35:20 | +37:55 |
16 | Les Dubois du hautDubois Murielle, Dubois Lionnel | 3096 | 10:51:45 | 13:19:03 | 14:06:54 | 2:54:43 | +38:43 |
17 | Les ZOppligr en vadrouilleOppliger Jessica, Oppliger Antoine | 3111 | 10:52:04 | 13:19:51 | 14:31:12 | 3:51:41 | +39:12 |
18 | the swallowsGeiser David, Geiser Séverine | 3085 | 10:51:32 | 13:22:57 | 14:15:41 | 3:22:05 | +42:50 |
19 | KaTimMarti Katya, Marti Timothée | 3104 | 10:53:59 | 13:26:03 | 14:20:32 | 3:11:12 | +43:29 |
20 | Mel et RelsHuguenin Mélanie, Joye Aurélien | 3101 | 10:52:29 | 13:26:19 | 14:21:13 | 3:20:37 | +45:15 |
21 | M. Mrs SmithChanel Yohanna, Peschranz Laurent | 3083 | 10:52:54 | 13:27:40 | 14:21:56 | 3:32:24 | +46:11 |
22 | Les souris vertesBourqui Vincent, Bex Catherine | 3099 | 9:09:27 | 11:44:38 | 12:51:23 | 3:36:21 | +46:36 |
23 | KypaGomesGomes dos Santos Tatiana, Kyparissis Neil | 3090 | 10:52:53 | 13:28:06 | 14:43:54 | 4:05:36 | +46:38 |
horc | Les FerryBerger Corinne, Landry Christian | 3084 | 9:07:13 | 11:43:07 | 12:52:19 | 3:25:36 | +47:19 |
horc | MatécocoGranger Mathias, Fort Coline | 3089 | 10:50:25 | 13:26:29 | 14:25:40 | 3:36:11 | +47:29 |
26 | M M sCedeno Marie, Cedeno Matthew | 3094 | 10:52:12 | 13:30:50 | 14:48:38 | 3:58:42 | +50:03 |
27 | Les Choupa ChoupsTripet Lucas, Tripet Sabine | 3087 | 10:53:04 | 13:32:39 | 14:43:27 | 3:54:51 | +51:00 |
28 | Les BlondesPittier Elin, Wälti Maxime | 3109 | 10:52:24 | 13:32:44 | 14:38:51 | 3:46:15 | +51:45 |
29 | Les ZébrouxPache Sandrine, Fleury Perry | 3103 | 10:52:51 | 13:34:30 | 14:46:29 | 3:48:56 | +53:04 |
30 | Les KiwisCuche Karen, Nobs Daniel | 3098 | 10:52:00 | 13:37:30 | 14:43:33 | 3:38:32 | +56:55 |
31 | Même pas chaud!Perret Nicole, Perret Yann | 3107 | 10:53:04 | 13:40:18 | 15:14:25 | 4:16:12 | +58:39 |
32 | Les CouzMosreauMoser Chiara, Moreau Kyan | 3092 | 10:51:43 | 13:39:04 | 14:54:43 | 4:18:41 | +58:46 |
33 | Los bichosEstelli Juliette, Guzmán Paulino | 3116 | 10:51:18 | 13:41:08 | 14:55:06 | mp | +61:15 |
horc | Les DupDupDupont Stéphane, Dupont Gaëlle | 3106 | |||||
GongRougemont Gilles, Maurer Nathalie | 3097 | dns | |||||
Les E!Kohler Erwan, Ferrando Elodie | 3112 | dns |
Legende: legend bei Problemen: picoevents@gmx.ch